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So What Is More Important? The Right Job Or The Right Boss?

I was reading an article recently about whether you should pick a job or pick a boss? The argument was that the boss (or more importantly the leader) was more important. If the leader doesn’t trust you, he or she won’t give you opportunities to grow. The right leader is definitely something that I consider as part of any new job opportunity I consider but I think about it differently.

Personally, I don’t think it is an “either or” thing it is about the power of “and” – the importance of considering both the job opportunity and who I work for!

Today, as I explore new opportunities, I put equal consideration into the job as I do the leader.  This will help me to answer the following questions. “Am I in the right career?”  “What career is right for me?” “How to find the right job?”

The Job

When considering a job I always think about SPEED.  Does the role align with my

  • Strengths – Does the job align with things that I do well and come easy to me? 
  • Passions – Does the job align with what I enjoy doing?
  • Energy – Does the job give me energy? After a 40+ hour week, will I still have energy to do things outside of the office?
  • Experiences – Does the job create new experiences for me? Does the job create different experiences for growth and development?
  • Dreams – Does the job align with longer term growth opportunities and aspirations?

In simplest terms a job or new role is a vehicle to facilitate a set of experiences. The right job will grow with you as well. The right job will stretch you when you need it, it will test you regularly and it will also prepare you for the long-term.

The Leader

As my roles have expanded with bigger and broader responsibility, the leader and work for has become more important. The opportunities they leader creates and how the leader manages situations – direct, coach, support, delegate, etc. is extremely important. Also, the opportunity to observe and learn from a great leader is extremely important. The right leader will also role model the right behaviors and can actively mentor, coach and serve as your sponsor. The right leader will teach you tremendously about learning and running the business.

In the end the job description matters, but it is also temporary. I have had many jobs that have changed over time. I have had several jobs that ended up very different from where they started.  The job description shouldn’t be the ultimate factor in whether your decide to apply or accept the job. Leadership (and the right leader) is just as important especially as you consider the long-term.

Take the time to investigate the leader you will be working for before you sign the final offer!

Remember that life is a game never won or lost, only played.


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