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Remember Today Is Day One.

Early in my career I treated  ‘a day as a day’.  I took each day as it came. Now, I do it differently. This is how I start my day.

The approach was random, reactive and after years and years of it took its toll. It took a toll on my ability to be effective in managing growing expectation of my life; as a parent, as a spouse and as a person who was focused on growing and building a strong and successful career!

As I became more aware I started to learn and watch leaders around me. I realized that many of them managed this VERY differently. Two of my mentors often say ‘”How you start your day effects how the rest of your day will go.” and “Remember, today is day 1. Every day is day 1.” In addition,  as I read about great leaders in industry there was definitely commonality in how they each do it.

More recently, it is a coaching question I am quite often asked about. How do you manage all of it? How do you get it all done? I am not sure what “it” exactly is and I am not certain that I regularly do get everything done but I have definitely improved. That said, as it is a question I get asked regularly, I thought it would be a great post for a Friday morning. Here is how I start my day.

Importance Of Routine/Discipline

Being productive doesn’t happen by accident. Nearly every successful person has a good daily routine. Now, the morning routines vary greatly by leader, but regardless they do have a plan and routine for how they start and setup their day. They take control early and often. I am no different.  Below are a few of my daily routines.

Start Early

I love the morning. That said, the definition of morning has continued to get earlier. What was 7:00 AM to prepare for college and classes is now 4:30 AM preparing for the expectations of life. Most of all this is about getting a head start on the day and others around me. This allows me to get prepared, get grounded and be fully present for the decisions that are needed as the sun moves across the sky throughout the day. I need to be the best possible me for people around me. For those who say 4:30 AM (or even 6:30 AM) is too early, try getting up at 4:30 AM a few days and trust me you will have no issues falling asleep by 10:00 pm.

Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

This was one of the most common recommendations of leaders, CEOs and people alike. As I have gotten older, it is one that I have regularly incorporated into my morning routine. Incorporating exercise into the routine has taken time. It is a constant daily struggle. Personally, I tend to spend 20-25 minutes on my exercise bike every morning. The goal is to start hard and  get my energy level up. This is how I start an active day!

Build Knowledge

I start my day by learning something new. For me this is reading the news, reading the morning market & financial reports or even LinkedIn. Remember the world is an amazingly big place. Before I ever dip into my work or personal email I stay focused on the world around me and take the opportunity to learn from someone else. I believe in the importance of being a continual learner. This is how I start my day.

Positive Ways To Start The Day

I do believe that mindset is critical. The first thing I read is on a topic I enjoy or that inspires me. That may be sports, news, comedy or even connecting with family/friends in fun ways. The days where I start by reading email or diving into work mode, has been treacherous as most times it creates a bitter, biased view of the morning. Not sure about each of you but most of my emails are on issues or problems. Its less about praise, thanks and appreciation. I will leave that topic for another day, LOL. This is how I start my day.

Find A Few Minutes Of Quiet Time & Think

I spend the first few minutes of my day with no one else, simply me. While I haven’t found meditation to be something that works, simply having time to take a few breaths, quietly sip coffee and embrace the day. It helps me get centered, helps me get focused and allows me to get into the right mindset to start the day before people around me my time or need decisions from me. This includes everyone my spouse ❤ my kids, the responsibilities of my career. This is how I start my day.

Protect The First Part Of Your Day

This has been one of the biggest changes I have made over the last 2-3 years. Whether it is protecting my morning calendar from a 6:00 AM meeting, getting into email too quickly or even being able to arrive in the office having the first 15-30 minutes of my day free makes a huge difference. Currently, my wife and I spend 30 minutes on the couch talking and sipping our coffee!  It allows me to focus on the most important aspects of life and start the basic blocking and tackling of the day. This also creates space for unplanned activities.  I love to build quick, small wins early in my day and this is a great way to get a head start and make mornings easier. This is how I start my day.

Eat Your Frog First

Hear of the saying “eat your frog first.” It’s tacking the biggest, most daunting task on your to do a list. For me this is a must. I always start by tackling the biggest problem I have to solve for the day. The frog may be a presentation, a specific deliverable for work or even making weekend plans or doctor appointments for the family. Ribbit, ribbit. 

Recharge Throughout The Day

I also would recommend you take time to check in and recharge throughout the day. I schedule refresh time throughout my week as way to remind me to get up,  walk around, take a break, maybe an afternoon coffee or check in with friends. It’s important that I create an environment that lets me recharge in the best possible way. It also is a great way to check in on decisions where I am procrastinating and allows me to re-focus on any critical issues. Remember, for most of us, the 2nd shift starts the moment we get home. Remember, it is a great way to maintain healthy habits. This is how I start my day.

Remember that life is a game never won or lost, only played.


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