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YouTube Teachings

Remember, life is a game that is never won or lost, only played.

Over the years, there have been great movies that teach us amazing things about life and life’s challenges.

Like many of you I am a parent, a husband, brother and I have a full-time career. At the same time, life is full of adversity and I have faced all sort of tough decisions in the endless balance. There are days I hope to just make it through the endless decisions I am faced with.  It definitely is a crazy game!

I thought I would share a few of my favorite scenes to give a new perspective. Here is the 2nd installment of YouTube teachings. Enjoy !

YouTube Teaching: “Great Moments Are Born From Great Opportunity.”

A lesson on leadership!  A classic scene from Miracle with Kurt Russell.  My favorite quote is “Great moments are born from great opportunity. That is what you have here tonight boys. That’s what you have earned here tonight.” It an amazing true story about the 1980 USA Hockey Team at Lake Placid, where they proves that at any moment, anything can happen. Game on YouTube teaching![/vc_column_text]


YouTube Teaching: “I Don’t Know What To Say Really.”

A great lesson on life brought to you by YouTube teachings! It’s from the movie Any Given Sunday with Al Pacino. It’s stresses the importance of facing adversity, the challenges it creates and all of the lessons it teaches you. My favorite quote is “Either we heal as a team or we are going to crumble, inch by inch, play-by-play till we are finished.” I love the focus on the choice the team must make, together to succeed. Not one person, it’s the entire team focused on inch at a time.

YouTube Teaching: “One Of The First Thing A Child Learns Is Trust. I Trust You Will Read This.”

A lesson on leadership! It’s a classic scene from Fred Rogers where he testifies before the Senate subcommittee on communications on federal funding. It is an amazing scene on empathy, compassion and what it is like to be human. My favorite quote is  “I am supposed to be a pretty tough guy, and this is the first time I have had goosebumps in the last 2 days.” I fear that may never been another Fred Rogers. He was a remarkable person & leader! Check out these other YouTube teachings!

YouTube Teaching: “Since When Are You The Quitting Kind?”

A great lesson on determination! It is what keeps you going when you want to quit. It’s also about stop caring about what other people think. Stop trying to prove it to someone else, just yourself. My quote is “..so I quit. Still not a week goes by that I don’t regret it… letting them get the best of you.”  You have to look at every situation differently. Great job YouTube teachings.

YouTube Teaching: “It’s Not The Greatest Country In The World.”

A lesson on courage from YouTube teachings! It’s a clip from HBO’s Newsroom. It’s not about whether it is right or wrong, it’s the fact that he took the courage to state what he thought and brought facts!  Now in fairness some of the facts are not all factually accurate, but loved how he challenged the room and called them on it! My favorite quote is “it sure used to be…we built great big things and make ungodly technological advances…we reached for the stars.”  America is an amazing country, but there are lessons here to learn from, regardless of the topic. The first step is recognizing the problem, is acknowledging it.

Remember that life is a game never won or lost, only played.


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